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Punishment 2015, Chap. 1a
by Stephen


“It couldn’t be… and yet for a brief moment I thought it was. The girl I had dreamed about…the girl that had figured in my every erotic fantasy.
At school she had been head girl; three years above me and probably a million light years away from ever looking my way. Head girls don’t talk to lowly 5th. Graders, I wonder if in fact if they ever see them?

Not that I am not worthy of a look. Even though I would never say it through modesty, I am good looking although only five feet eight inches tall. I have a slim athletic body, good bone structure with brown eyes and straight thick dark brown hair. I think I was popular with the girl’s because somehow they felt I was non-threatening and could be handled easily.

At school I always seemed to be the first choice when circumstance dictated that the girl did the asking… always first on the party list… first to be asked by the pretty and flirtatious faces of the girls in my year… “Come and sit with us”… “There’s room here”, “You going to the dance, Steve?” etc. I rarely refused an invitation and enjoyed my popularity, but the Holy Grail in the personage of Debbie Pearson… was always out of my reach.

It’s been a year since I left school and started my accountancy training and she was still on my mind. Instantly recognizable! The same beautiful natural ash blonde hair, tied neatly back with a subtle tiny black bow. Her face, still as neatly featured as I had remembered, with those wonderful green eyes, the colour and the depth of the world’s most exquisite emeralds. Her teeth the same perfect white, framed by the most exquisite lips. Her figure, slender and lithe, with wonderfully firm breasts, narrow waist and perfectly proportioned tanned legs that seem to go on forever. I remembered all this and yet I had seen her, or thought I had seen her, for a mere instance… just a glimpse as she was reflected many times before becoming a pale image in the heavy toughened glass of the security counter.

I felt the blood rush to my face. I wanted to flee, to run away… nearly an adult of nineteen years old… and I really wanted to run.
Surely it could not be!
That she worked here?
I shivered, feeling my cheeks burn and my throat constrict. I could not, simply could not, endure the shame if it were true. I collected my senses. Of course it was an illusion… a mere culmination of my trauma of the morning. Of course that was exactly what it was!

The court had been as bad as I had feared. I was spared nothing, nor I admit had I deserved to have been.

Driving with in excess of 20mg. of alcohol in breath.
Statute 20/92 of The Driving Code.
Made law on October 23 2015. ‘Any person found in charge of a vehicle with…’
I had read the charge through many times as I sat in the waiting room. Basically since October, one bottle of beer would put an average weight man near the limit that he could legally drive a car. The new limit had been in operation for four days when I had been caught by the two female police officers in the police car.

I could think of no mitigation to offer the court. Eventually I was called. The attractive female court official, her expression, neither condemning nor sympathetic, had ushered me into the courtroom. The three female district judges bade me stand up while the prosecuting lawyer read the charge. I watched her walk towards the middle of the court so that she could point to me and still face the panelled dais where the judges sat, their ornate wooden benches, hiding all but their heads and shoulders.
“Stephen Woodrow Ryder. You have been charged with driving with in excess of 20mg. of alcohol in breath. How do you plead?”
I had looked at the judges. The middle of the three, probably thirty five years old; her suit immaculately tailored, her hair swept back into a neat bun, looked at me questioningly as I stood before the court, shamefaced and trembling.
“Guilty, Ma’am”
The lady to her right, her black hair shining under the strong lights, had pursed her red lips into a thoughtful expression before speaking. “You have no legal representation; do you wish the court to appoint someone?”
I managed to stammer a reply.
I am guilty er Ma’am.. er I have no er… defence.”
She looked me in the eye.
“What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I have nothing to say Ma’am.”
“You are not even sorry?” Her sardonic expression was accented by one beautiful eyebrow raised quizzically as she questioned me.
I stammered, like the fool I felt. “Oh no, Ma’am… I er… mean I am most dreadfully sorry. I deserve to be guilty…er I mean I am guilty and most dreadfully sorry.” I could not stop myself. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I er only had a mile to go… er and the road is always deserted at that time of night… and I drove so slowly er that the police car stopped me…” I could not stop my tears flowing as I rambled on.
“I mean to say… I was a fool… er an inconsiderate stupid, stupid fool. I had no thought for the consequences or who I might have harmed…and no one to blame but myself. I am so, so, so sorry Ma’am.”
I stood silent, I had been a fool and I knew it. I could not help my tears I looked down at my feet and waited for the worst, hearing only the clackety clack from the machine of the court stenographer.
The Lady who was sat at the other side of the senior judge had looked at me long and hard while I had been questioned. She was probably in her late forties and although attractive, looked as if she did not suffer fools gladly.
I did not raise my head again to see them leave; I looked to my side, my attention drawn by a gentle tug on my sleeve. It was the court officer who had first led me in. She had a kindly and concerned expression on her face. I was too upset to appreciate the nuance of her look as she whispered to me. “You may sit while the judges consider their verdict.”
I can’t remember how long I waited. I could not stop crying, I considered what would have happed… had I run someone over… or hit another car… all the possible outcomes of driving when one’s reactions are slowed.
I was not privy to the deliberations behind the large wooden door that led off from the back of the judge’s benches.

Constance Hartman

She had known, as soon as she saw him, what his fate would be. For Constance, his young good looks and slim well-proportioned body were all too few and far between in her courtroom. Constance had been a senior judge in the newly termed, ‘Young Offenders Court’, for five years. She had served the bench well, enjoying the stature of her worthwhile profession and taking pride in her quality decisions regarding the future of her young offenders.
It had been the introduction of the ‘Punishment Centers’ that had made her see a side to herself that she had never in her wildest dreams thought that she had possessed.
She had felt guilty at the thrill that had run through her body the first time that they had all been invited to a model and experimental Punishment Center in another state.

She had not dared look at her fellow justices as she had watched a naked teenager being soundly strapped by a woman police officer. The image had played constantly on her mind… and even in her sexually oriented dreams. It had been a source of excitement to her. The model center had quickly found that the effectiveness of the center was increased by the use of all female personnel. The shame and humiliation of the youth was increased to such an extent that many of the more persistent law breakers rarely visited twice.

For the state the financial benefits had been extraordinarily good. Instead of the cost of hundreds of staff to administer probation or run boot camps, thirty or so young women could process up to five offenders a day. If too many turned up at one time they were left in the basement cells until they could be dealt with. The whole process of court to punishment was done in private and therefore, a one time offender, could be sentenced, take his punishment and have none of his friends or employers know that he had committed any crime. This was one of the reasons that offenders were given twenty-eight days to attend.

When the centers had opened within her own jurisdiction, she had been one of the first to sentence a young offender to its corporal methods of punishment.
She had quickly discovered that her delight was heightened only by the good-looking young boys as they were being punished.

Unfortunately the sentenced youth could attend at anytime within a twenty-eight day period and as such her visits were often filled with disappointment. It was only as she became on personal terms with some of the staff at certain centers that they would quietly and with discretion let her know who had arrived; or rather what the young boy… or sometimes girl looked like.

She stifled her imagination as she looked at her fellow judges. She was quite sure that as senior judge her recommendations would be well heeded. Better than that, she knew that she was quite adept at sowing the seeds for someone else to make the right decision. Constance also had certain knowledge, although the subject was never broached… that her fellow justices also took a keen delight in the strapping of a good looking young boy.

“Well he is pleading guilty; without representation he is at the mercy of the court, which is a foolhardy action, brought about I believe, because he is full of remorse and intends to not make the same mistake again.” She paused. “I really do believe that he is full of remorse.”
“Well there is not a lot we can do. I suppose that it is no excuse that the limit has only been dropped for four days. I suppose he will be about the first to be prosecuted under the new limits.”
“But only one milligram over it, if he had waited and had the sample taken in blood, he would have been clear.”
“I know, the arresting officer has stated that he waived his right to wait for a doctor and a blood sample, it says he was full of self-guilt and just kept saying he was sorry… but now we have to decide… the options aren’t many.”

Constance looked at her companions.

“Well there aren’t any really. I obviously won’t send him to jail of course, and the probation services are stretched to capacity and are taking on no more new cases, so there is only the punishment center. If we defer it to the next sessions, they will want to know why… and what can we tell them… that he was utterly contrite?”

“I know… it just seems unfair… that we get belligerent, obvious diehard drinkers that get caught on their thousandth journey, having got away with it time and time again… and of course they will use every ruse... including of course delaying things for as long as possible by waiting for a doctor, whom they hope will be on another call…oh well.”

Constance read the pre-court report as she pretended to consider what to do. “He is a very unfortunate young man. He lost both parents in a car accident last year and has been living in an apartment by himself since then. He has no record of any kind and seems to be quite a responsible young man, apart from this.”

The dark haired judge spoke, her voice low and thoughtful. “Yes it must have been a traumatic year for him, since he lost his parents… and yet he has kept to his work and has not gone off the rails.”

She looked pensive for a moment and then spoke again.

“There is one thing… if we were to send him to the one center we all know… if you get my meaning, We could make sure that… well at least afterwards, he would get… well, erm… more looked after… urm less traumatic… do you both think.”

The senior judge looked at her companion, a smile spreading across her face. “Sometimes Kate, I think you are heaven sent for this court. Yes of course…all agreed? I will just change the form from any center to Center No. 19”



I felt a gentle hand on my arm, bidding me to stand up. I did not see the kindly look upon officer’s face as I stood with shaking legs, as the judges re-entered the court.

I stood as straight as I could, I tried looking at the three female judges and then my cowardice took over and I hung my head in shame.
“Stephen Woodrow Ryder.” I looked up as the clear voice of the senior judge addressed me. “You are sentenced to attend a punishment center, during the next twenty eight days. You must attend within this period or you will be arrested and appear before me on a far more serious charge, which will result in your loss of freedom for a considerable period of time. You will also not be allowed to drive a motor vehicle for a period of nine months from this date and you will be bound over for two years. Do you understand?”
I managed to look at her as I answered. I could not help the trembling of my voice as I almost sobbed my reply.
“Yes Ma’am, thank you Ma’am… I am er.. most sorry for my stupidity Ma’am.”
I hung my head as I heard the prosecuting lawyer speak in a loud voice. “Court is adjourned”
I heard the court officer whisper to me as the judges filed out. “Come with me and I will give you your forms. Her voice was kindly and for the life of me I couldn’t understand why.

The punishment centers had been existence for over a year now and had been designed for a variety of crimes, vandalism, joyriding, petty theft and drink driving. They were specifically designed for the juvenile male although on odd occasions, for severe or repeat offences girls had been sentenced to attend. I knew very little about them and anecdotal hearsay of what punishment, punishment centers actually doled out, was a closely guarded secret. Offenders who had actually visited the centers were not allowed to say what the punishments consisted of for fear of being immediately arrested for contempt of court; and the government had banned newspapers from speculating on what the punishments might be… or reporting hearsay from offenders. All that was known was that they were an effective method of curbing adolescent crime and that there were very few repeat offences.

I sat at the desk in front of the young court officer, my eyes were still full of tears and I still could not repress the odd sob of deep regret as I waited. I noticed that she had taken off her uniformed jacket and was wearing a white shirt. Her breasts seemed firm as they pressed against the crisp white material as she leaned towards me.

After she had finished sifting the forms and putting them in order she spoke. “If you will sign these. Please”
She handed me a sheaf of forms, which I signed without reading. She took them from me, her slender fingers shuffling the papers into a neat pile before handing me the top copy.

“Take this with you… you are to attend Center 19 any time within the next twenty eight days.” I felt sure that she gave me a look of kindness and sympathy as I got up and turned to leave. On impulse I turned back to her. I looked at the soft expression of sympathy upon her face and although I was near to tears again I managed to stammer. “Thank you for your help er.. Miss, I am so sorry to have caused so much trouble.”

Constance picked up the telephone as she smiled conspiratorially at her fellow judges. “I think a telephone call would be more judicious than a note… don’t your think.” She laughed at her own pun as she dialled the number.
“Martha… oh good… and you? Yes the same! Yes we have had a young man in this morning. I don’t want to influence you in any way… and I know the punishment is statutory; but I would ask you to let everyone read the court report.”

Constance listened for a short while and then spoke again. “Oh yes… if it had been for more severity I would have put a recommendation on the form.”
She listened again for a few moments and then spoke softly. “Yes… I had not immediately thought of that. Yes I know it could be short notice… but if we are free we will certainly attend. I think that he is so contrite that it might even be today, its still early enough… before twelve isn’t it?”

She listened once more and then thanked the woman on the other end of the phone.


I was determined that I should get this whole sorry mess over and done with. I returned to my apartment and showered thoroughly. Changing into clean clothes, I looked for the address on the form. Offenders must attend BEFORE twelve noon. You may be detained overnight. You may bring any medicines that have been properly subscribed. You may NOT bring luggage. Forty minutes later I was on my way. The cab dropped me off one street away, somehow I think the driver suspected where I was heading, but I walked quickly into a florist shop and waited until he had departed before making my way to Number 26/28 Arlett Street.

The building looked like every other government office on the street. It did not have a sign other than its number, etched discreetly into a brushed chromium plaque set into the wall beside the glass door. The door was framed in stainless steel with a broad bar across the front of the glass. The glass of the door matched the windows, with its opaque smoked glass, guarding the view of the interior from the street.

So here I was waiting at the business-like counter of Punishment Center 19. The glass that had portrayed my apparition of Debbie Pearson, separated me from the young girl who spoke into the microphone on her side of the glass.. “Can I help you?” Her voice sounded strangely neutral through the small speaker that must have been concealed somewhere in the counter surface.
“Er my name is Steve.. er Stephen Ryder, I have to report here within erm.. er twenty eight days.. er, so I have come today.”
I felt foolish and embarrassed talking to the young girl behind the counter, whom, no doubt, would know the details of my crime.

She looked no older than seventeen; the cuffs of her crisp white shirt were folded back at the sleeve, revealing her slender wrists. She wore a neat stainless steel watch on her left wrist and a tiny silver chain adorned the other. Her face looked neat and attractive with a minimum of make-up; her appearance was slightly studious, no doubt aided by the wire framed spectacles that she was wearing.
“Can I have your form please… you did bring it with you?” Her voice was questioning as she looked at me, her eyes were quite obvious in her interest of looking me up and down.

I fumbled in my jacket pocket and produced the form which I put in the tray which was set into the counter and allowed objects to be passed to the other side. I slid the form towards her, underneath the glass partition.
She did not thank me, but read the form for several moments before she extended her slender manicured fingers forwards and pressed a button on her counter position. “Please wait there and I will send someone out to fetch you. She motioned behind me and I looked around to see that there were three chairs opposite the counter, the backs of them against the smoked glass of the window. For the first time I noticed that because of the light, one could see out of the windows, although passers by could not see in. There was a low glass table in the centre of the room on which were placed a variety of Government information leaflets.

I took the middle seat and waited;. I mused at my fright on seeing someone I thought was Debbie Pearson… and then I remembered that it could not possible have been her. I had often enquired in a quite causal way of old school friends what ever happened to so and so, eventually slipping Debbie’s name into the list of people I enquired about. I had found out by this reasonably subtle method, that she had gone on to do nursing. The last time that I had enquired I was told that she had qualified and that she was now a theatre nurse, having moved to another city, although they couldn’t remember where.

I sat and waited. The young receptionist reappeared several times behind the counter but paid me little attention. I was too embarrassed to ask how long I would have to wait and instead started thinking about what my punishment would be. I had heard of aversion therapy for drink driving and wondered whether I would be shown a series of films about the blood and carnage that can be caused by drink driving.

Althea Jones

Althea Jones had been sixteen when she had joined the court service as an assistant to the probation officer. When the Punishment Centers had been first planned she had seen the advertisement for staff in the Government employee’s magazine. Although she had not realised the full import of the new department, she had read with interest the prospects of advancement and promotion. The one word that had taken her eye from the start had even sent a thrill of excitement through her… the word ‘Punishment’.
It had been a pleasant surprise when she had learned the actualities of the center’s purpose and methods… and had been more of a surprise to her when she had been promoted to the front counter; the Center’s first point of contact with offenders. She soon realised that her job was not just looking after the first reception of the offender, but that she was playing an integral part in the conditioning of the convicted criminal.

Althea had, for as long as she could remember, known that she was different. Not in any outward appearance, other than that she was extremely pretty: but in the fact that she liked to dominate boys.
Her realization had come very early on in her young life. She had seen an old illustration in a book in her father’s library. It had shown a young woman, smartly dressed in epaulette’d uniform, smacking the bared bottom of a young teenage boy. His trousers had been pulled down to his ankles and he seemed to be screaming furiously as the young lady’s hand descended onto the reddened cheeks of his bottom.
She could not recognise the uniform, but the setting seemed to be an official place of punishment, she thought that perhaps because of the style and setting of the room that it might in a police station. There was no reference to the illustration, and as the book was written in German she was unable to read the text.

Time and time again, she had waited until her parents were out and taken the book from the shelf to gaze at the illustration.
She had told no-one of her discovery and had never discussed, even with her closest friends, how that vivid illustration had made her feel.
As she became older she realised that she was indeed different to the rest of her girlfriends. Instead of their gushing enthusiasm at being kissed on the lips by this boy or that, she had, had an entirely different view of the opposite sex.
Her fantasies involved subjugating boys on every level, including her favourite image of taking his trousers down and holding his penis while she spanked his bottom.
She had eventually, after very careful consideration, chosen a boyfriend. Not the muscular football player that most girls seemed to favour, but a slim, well-proportioned boy, just a year older than herself. Her choice had suited her well, although for the boy, the pleasures were at best… mixed.
Her first date was planned to perfection. Instead of the movies or dance, she had invited him home for the evening while her parents were away overnight. She had carefully and expertly teased him, with little and affectionate touches; a hand gently caressing his cheek, or her face touching his as she leaned over him to pass him a drink.

The boy had responded, although timidly, by thinking that he could go further. It was his first fumbled sexual advance, as he tried to touch her breasts, which sealed the relationship.
She had jumped up as if utterly shocked. Her protests making the boy blush nervously and then shake with dear as she threatened to tell not only her parents, but also to phone his mother, whom she knew to be exceedingly prim.
The result was that either he was punished by her or she would tell, embellishing the description of his fumbling to that of attempted rape.
Relieved at first, he had agreed… only to realise in shock and anguish, what the alternative would be.
It had taken some time, before he realised that her threat was real and serious. She had emphasized what the dire consequences of his parents being informed would actually mean to him… and suggested that it was possible that the school would find out. It never once occurred to him, that he had been cleverly and expertly set-up.

Althea often smiled to her self at the thought that in reality it had only taken an hour and a half from him walking through her front door, to the scene she remembered vividly.
She had made him strip to his under shorts, knowing that it would have taken a lot longer to get him to part with them willingly. She had eventually coaxed him to lie over her pretty knees. Once in position she had quickly pulled the garment down to his thighs, his shock at being bared so intimately had made him cling to his position rather than reveal his penis and testicles to her gaze.

The rest had been easy. A hairbrush placed conveniently and innocently beside her chair was quickly brought into play. He had cried and gasped with the realisation that he was indeed being spanked. The fire in his buttocks had brought him to floods of tears as he was relentlessly spanked with the hard-backed brush.

“What a naughty cry-baby you are… thinking that you could have your way with me… how disgusting… aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” Her words had so belittled him that it was a few seconds before he realised that his under-shorts had been briskly pulled down to his ankles. It had taken Althea no effort at all to entirely remove the garments… or to deftly grasp his testicles by thrusting her hand between his legs and grasping the delicate orbs of flesh in her slender fingers.

Although she had had no experience, she managed to hold them firmly, but without causing undue pain. Still holding him, she had made him stand with his back to her, as she retained her grip on him.

After that, her confidence grew. She slipped her other hand around his hips and grasped his penis, which she suddenly realised had stiffened to become semi-erect. She had made him turn towards her, and had used both hands to hold his penis and testicles from the front; gripping him firmly with a threat to squeeze harder if he did not obey.
Her triumph over him was the culmination of all her fantasies. She had manipulated him to her will. The rest of the evening for Althea was relaxed and enjoyed entirely at her leisure. In protest and shame she had spanked him while he was standing up. She had made him stand sideways, holding his penis firmly in her hand while she had laid more strokes of the hair-brush over his buttocks until he had sobbed and begged for her to stop.
For Althea, the grand finale… the epitome of his shame had been carried out in a delicious sexual ritual: she had made him kneel on the thick arms of her easy chair with his head hanging over the cushioned back and with a large bath towel underneath him.
As he hung his head in shame and anguish, she had applied baby lotion to his bottom, her hand smoothing over his buttocks as she spoke to him.
“Poor baby, did I hurt you very much, never mind, it will all be better soon.”

He was blushing and trembling as her fingers first brushed against his tightly closed sphincter. Impudently she had insinuated her finger-tip up through the opening, experimenting with varying movements and pressure until she had found the soft mound of his prostate.
Her knowledge of its location had already been carefully and diligently researched in the copious volumes of anatomy books she had taken from the public library.

He had gasped and groaned, his anguish almost palpable as she had reached around his hips, her hand brushing over his tummy as it moved down to his erect penis.

He had continued to gasp and groan, almost wailing in anguish and embarrassment as she retracted his foreskin for the first time.

She had, with increasing dexterity milked him… keeping a steady rhythm within his bottom and over the sensitive flesh of his penis. She had grown bolder and more vigorous; his gasps and groans giving her excellent clues as to the effect of her manipulation to his prostate and penis.

Within minutes he was ejaculating wildly; his body shaking and trembling as he gasped for air. She did not stop until she had milked the very last drop from him.

She smiled as she thought back to that time. She had honed her dominant skills and her sexual technique to perfection upon her reluctant model. She had made him attend her house when ever circumstances permitted it. She had spanked him and milked him to her hearts content, each time the pain and pleasure, more exquisite, more unbearable. For the seventeen months until she had left school, she had experimented with his body and his psyche. The vivid illustration in her father’s book brought to life.

She looked over to where the young man was seated. She had already admired his good looks and clean cut appearance. It was usually the tattooed young hooligans that were the bread and butter of the center’s reluctant clientele. They were usually scruffy, most of them ugly and brash, certainly not the type of youth that would have taken her interest. This one seemed different. He was well spoken, perhaps timid, but certainly attractive. His body looked trim and lithe and he seemed fit and healthy.

She noted that he had blushed several times as he had looked across at her, perhaps it was because of his embarrassment at his crime… or perhaps she thought, that he was embarrassed about her knowing that he had had to attend for punishment.

One thing, that she was certain of… was that he had not even the remotest idea of what his punishment would be. She squeezed her legs together at the delicious thought.



As I looked around the room in my idleness I noticed that there were only two doors apart from the one I entered from the street. Both were marked private. One was at the opposite end of the counter and one was to my right. Both were made from a smooth grey easy clean surface that seems to be indicative of most government offices. For the first time I noticed a small sign that had been placed beneath one of the many security cameras; it read. ‘Mobile Phones Must Be Switched Off’. I felt in my pockets for my own mobile phone and checked that there were no messages.

I had already given a week’s prior notice that I would be taking my free days off this week and so would not be back in the office for eight days. I thankfully switched it off, before it could incur anyone’s displeasure.

Suddenly I heard the distinct sound of an automatic lock being activated within the frame of the door to the street. I looked around as a second lock mechanism was being activated, this time the sound came from the door to my right which was marked private. I watched as it opened and a strikingly pretty woman in police uniform entered the room. She was pulling a trolley which looked very similar to a supermarket shopping cart. The only difference being, that in front of the basket there looked to be a small locker.

Her dark hair was tied back from her pretty face, emphasising the well defined bone structure of her sun-bronzed face. Her shirt bore the epaulets and stripes of a sergeant. I noticed that her breasts seemed very prominent against the loose material of her blue shirt and that her City badge was laying at angle over the slope of her right breast rather than hanging from her shirt..
Around her slim waist, she wore a wide leather belt, which supported an assortment of equipment. I observed that there were handcuffs, a radio communicator and a rather odd night stick that looked more like a cattle prod. I remained seated until she spoke.

Reading from a plastic name tag which had a flat plastic band attached to it… and in turn was attached to her clipboard, she said.
“Stephen Woodrow Ryder… is that you?”
I muttered my confirmation as she wheeled the cart further into the center of the room.
“O.K. Now listen to me.” Her voice was not harsh but had an air of authority to it as she looked me directly in the eye.
“You paying attention….? Good. Between now and when you leave, you obey every order immediately, without questions, without delay. Now tell me… what do you do?”

I was speechless for a moment and then in a rather shaky voice I replied. “er I obey every order..erm immediately without erm… question.
“Right now for your own good… remember that. So repeat it one more time.”
I felt foolish, as if I was in class at school. I looked towards the glass partition and saw that the receptionist was watching me as I stood listening to the sergeant.

“Don’t look away… look at me. Now tell me again what do you do?” She had raised her voice slightly, but still had that air of quiet authority.
“I er…obey immediately and er… don’t ask questions.”

“Well that is the essence of it.” She lowered her voice and looked at me with a kind almost concerned expression on her face.
“Look Sweetie… I am trying to help you get through today… so tell me again.”
“I obey every order. .erm without question and without delay.”
“O.K Strip and put your clothes in here.” She indicated the basket” Your watch, any money you may have, mobile phones etc. You put in this locker here. Got it?”

I know I must have looked dumbfounded. I could not believe for a moment that she meant me to strip… right here in the office. I looked at her, incredulous at what she had asked me to do.
“You mean take my clothes off… here?”
“You forget very quickly, I thought you had learned your little rule. Now tell me it again, what must you do.” I felt utterly stupid and embarrassed as I looked at her. Her attractive face bore an expression of impatience as she waited for me to repeat the rule.

“Let’s just stop before we get to the ‘butts’, shall we?”

She stood with her legs astride and her hands upon her hips. Her well formed legs forming her skirt into and A shape.
“Right here we go again. Strip… put your clothes in the basket and your personal items in the locker.” She spoke in a tired fashion, putting her flattened hand out towards me in a gesture similar to a traffic cop stopping a car at a junction.

“Not another word. Go to it… Strip.”

I looked at her and then feeling utterly foolish began to stake my jacket off. I folded it and put it in the basket. Slowly and feeling utterly humiliated and ashamed, I undressed, occasionally glancing at the glass patrician, only to see that the receptionist was still looking at me without a trace of surprise or embarrassment on her face.

“Come on Sugar… I haven’t got all day.”
The sergeant glanced at her watch before looking back at me.

I hurried my undressing until I had placed my shoes, with socks inside, on top of the pile of clothes and my watch, phone and wallet in the locker. I felt utterly foolish as I stood before her in just my underpants.
“I said strip… that includes the pants.”

She stood looking at me with her hands resting on the belt at her waist. I felt the heat from the redness in my cheeks as my body shivered with acute embarrassment..
“I could not help looking at her. My voice pleading as I stammered through my embarrassment.
“Pleeease er… miss… er sergeant… not with..” I glanced at the counter. “Not… erm my underwear… please not erm here.”
I watched as her hands went towards the nightstick and then suddenly she seemed to decide… and I think gave me the benefit of her benevolence.

“Look sweetie… this day is going to be tough enough as it is. That is why I made you repeat the rule. Now without this gets more unpleasant for you… take your pants down and put them in the basket.” The kindness and sincerity in her voice made me stop and consider my position. Only two hours ago I had been full of remorse and now I was whinging about the punishment.

I felt my face blush and another shiver run through me as turned away from her and hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my under shorts. Feeling utterly stupid and humiliated, I pushed them down my legs, acutely aware of the obvious prurient interest of girl behind the counter.
I held my under shorts against my body, making sure that they were covering my genitals, before clasping my bare hands to my groin as I quickly put them on top of the pile of clothes, covering myself again with both hands.

I stood crouching over, my knees pressed together and my hands clasped firmly over my penis and testicles as I looked at her through a mist of humiliation.

“O.K. now I have some questions to ask you. So pay attention, you got that?” I nodded feeling utterly foolish at my nakedness in front of her. Unconcerned at my embarrassment she read from the clipboard.

“Ever suffered from heart problems?”
“Er… no.” I answered.
“Do you have a pacemaker?”
I answered to the negative.

“Ever suffered with a hernia?” I shook my head.

“Rheumatic fever?”
Again I shook my head as she carried on with a whole serious of questions related to my health. Eventually she finished the list and looked at me straight in the eye. I could not help my blush of embarrassment at her close scrutiny of my naked body.

“O.K., now turn around and face the window.” Her instruction caused me to blush once more. Ashamedly I faced the window. Looking out towards the street, I had never felt so naked. I tried to convince myself that I could not be seen by passers-by and yet the view of the young girls walking in the street, going about their business just a few feet from my nakedness, seemed to accent my peculiar and humiliating situation.

I heard her move to stand behind me, as I crouched forward trying to retain my modesty from the front. I knew that she, and the girl behind the counter, would have a perfect view of my naked bottom.

Suddenly it happened… a blinding pain shot through my left buttock. I instantly fell forward, my left leg immediately became completely numb, failing to support my weight.. I tried to break my fall, at the same time trying to clasp a hand to my buttock which felt as if it were on fire. The terrible pain seemed to envelope the whole left side of my body. I felt dizzy and sick as I felt myself falling to the floor, writhing in agony. I looked up feeling hurt and full of anguish and indignity. I could see the pretty sergeant casually replace the cattle prod device back into her belt. I had forgotten my modesty in the shock and hurt of the moment. I was writhing upon the floor, my penis and testicles flopping lewdly from side to side as I tried to rid myself of the pain.

The sergeant stood over me, her eyes betraying no surprise at my anguish as I writhed uncontrollably. I rubbed my buttocks hard against the course material of the carpet in absolute torment at the pain which cut through my body like a knife. Eventually I managed to clasp my hands over my penis and testicles, aware, even through the haze of pain, of high ridiculous I must have looked to her.
It was several moments before I could get to my knees and then eventually… stand shakily in front of the pretty young sergeant.

She looked me up and down, her expression not unkindly. “It hits some guys harder than others, but the effects don’t last long. Don’t think I am picking on you… everybody gets it.”

Her voice became softer as she saw the tears well up in my eyes. “Look sweetie, you need to know what this thing does.” She patted the device hanging from her belt. “That was on number two; this thing goes to number ten! Get the picture, you don’t disobey… and you don’t hesitate… get it?”
I could not help the tears that rolled down my cheeks as I looked at her. Whether it was the kindness in her voice or the pain and humiliation of the violent electric shock, I could not tell.

“Let me tell you something else. You are wondering… or you certainly will do soon, why I didn’t give you number one as a demonstration. Number one is for your balls,” She looked at my groin as she spoke. I could not help looking down myself, my eyes involuntarily following hers to my hands which were still firmly clasped over my genitals.

“A prod in those little plums of yours is a pain you would remember for the rest of your life. So you had better look lively when you are given an order. Do you understand now?”
“Yes er miss… It is just the shock and erm… embarrassing erm being undressed like this” I could not help further tears from running down my cheeks as I spoke.

She looked at me, this time her face showed real concern. She moved towards me and put her hand on to my shoulder. Her fingers were gentle and cool against my fevered skin. Somehow I felt real warmth and affection from her, in spite of the pain she had made me endure.

“Look sweetie.” Her face moved closer to mine and she whispered softly to me.

“Forget your embarrassment; embarrassment doesn’t hurt like the stunner does. You are here for your punishment, the law requires it… so try and take it easy and do what you are told. It won’t be easy… but it is better than adding to it, alright sweetie?” Her lips were almost touching my cheek as I listened to her. For some reason I wished right then, that she would put her arms around me and kiss me tenderly. I could not stop my tears from flowing down my cheeks or my body trembling with emotion.

“Right give me you left hand.”
I looked at her with a worried expression upon my face.
“Don’t worry I an not going to zap you again… unless of course you disobey.”
My concern was not just that she was going too hurt me that I would have to take my hand away from my genitals. Fumbling to cover my penis and testicles with one hand,
I raised my arm out in front of me. Gently she took my wrist and placed the plastic tag around it. She took a small stapler type device from her pocket and sealed the strap.
“Just so that we don’t forget who you are.” she smiled.

She stood back and looked at me. “O.K. Stephen, let’s get on with it. Go and stand in front of that door.” She indicated the door marked PRIVATE through which she had entered.

I crouched in my position of knees pressed together and hands clasped to my groin and shuffled rather than walked to stand in front of the door. I could feel my shoulders shaking with my sobs… and yet could do nothing about my distress.

I heard her turn the shopping cart around, so that she could pull it- rather than push it, before she moved forward to stand behind me. Suddenly I felt the coolness of her delicate fingers stroke over my buttocks and heard her voice speak gently to me.

“Poor baby… such a sensitive soul aren’t you.”

I shivered and tried to stifle a sob as the electronic lock released its mechanism and the door opened to reveal an empty corridor. There was a notice upon the wall. It read: ‘Foul or abusive language WILL result in further punishment.’ She waited, making sure I had read the notice.

I heard her voice; again it was soft and caring.
“Walk forward and stop in front of the second door on the right. Don’t ask questions, don’t hesitate, don’t disobey and you’ll get through this… so come along sweetie let’s get moving.”

As I stood in front of the unmarked door, I felt the sergeant brush past me and knock. She resumed her position behind me and putting her soft hands upon my hips, whispered in my ear. “O.K. sweetie, remember, don’t resist and don’t question.” I felt sure that it was her lips that touched my neck as she let go of my waist.

The door opened to reveal two tall female warders. Their bodies were breathtakingly beautiful, bodies with the height and physique that one imagines Amazonian women would have. Each wore a white shirt and black tie. Their navy skirts were knee length and did little to hide the superb proportions of their hips and legs. Hanging from each of their belts were a set of handcuff and a cattle prod.

They could have been sisters, their pretty faces were so similar; high cheekbones, with beautiful blue eyes, straight nose and firm jaw line. No uniform, however severe, could disguise their firm breasts and narrow waists. Behind them in the totally tiled room stood four nurses, two each side of a rubber padded bench which was set into the centre of the floor.

Several broad leather straps were hanging down from the shiny rubber surface, the brightness of the stainless steel buckles, glinted under the brightness of the circular operating room light in the ceiling. To the rear of the padded bench were several baths as well as a row of sinks.

Rubber tubing and several strange medical apparatus hung from hooks on the walls or were placed on shelves surrounding the other three sides of the room. A tall chromium I.V. stand had been placed to one side of the bench, its tubing running down to a portable instrument trolley, which contained a plethora of instruments as well as tubes, jars and bottles of various liquids and ointments.

All the nurses looked to be young, perhaps eighteen or nineteen years old. They were each wearing rubber aprons over their uniforms and their hands were encased in surgical gloves. They were all extremely pretty, unlike most hospital nurses, their make-up had been perfectly applied to their beautiful faces and their uniforms were beautifully fitted to accent the lovely curves of their bodies.

There were two blondes and two with dark, almost black hair; the one thing they had in common was their look of cool appraisal at my naked body.



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