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A Night At The Beach
by Stan Connors

The water lapped quietly against the shoreline of the beach. Slivers of moonlight from a nearly full moon undulated across the surface of the lake. Other lights from the cabins and houses along the dark shadow of the shoreline shined like pale stars or dropped their own glow down onto the water. The night was silent, except for some receding voices that were quickly fading away into the distance down the road from the beach. Once in a while a car would pass along the road by the lake, tentacles of lights probing the darkness. Then, once more, there was just the night and silence.
I was lying down on the shoreline where the water met the sand. It was a nice summer's night; the water was pleasant and the air warm, but with a touch of coolness in it. Half of me was in the water; the other half on the sand. I was completely naked. I enjoyed the feeling of the water as it caressed my nudity. I heard the thunking of car doors shutting; a couple more lights probed deep into the darkness. These moved away from the beach toward the town, about five miles away.  I watched them go. The lights belonged to a pick-up truck. It was Joe's truck. Steve was riding with him. Seconds later I saw another set of lights shine on the tree tops. It was Julia's car. She had gone the other way. Theirs had been the receding voices that I listened to as they argued and accused each other as they faded into the night.
We had all come to this beach for a skinny-dipping adventure. Julia was the only lady. This beach had seemed like the perfect spot: it was a narrow point of land with beaches on both sides and woods in the middle and stuck out into the lake about a mile like a peninsula. The main beach with all the docks, boats anchored in the water or pulled up on the sand, picnic tables, and a dressing house, was far enough away from the road to avoid any unwanted attention. I had gone swimming without a stitch on there before. I figured it would be as good a place as any for the scheme that Joe and Steve had cooked up back in the tavern where we had met Julia.
"Damn, she's beautiful," Joe said. "Let's get her naked. Maybe we can do her too."
The idea had been to get her naked and then have a romp with her. Julia definitely was a lady that invited those notions. She was a true blond with almost yellow hair, long and silky, with baby blue eyes, and superbly endowed. Julia was from Boston and up in our town visiting her grandmother. Sensuality was all over her and, somehow, Joe and Steve had convinced her to go skinny-dipping with them. They basically asked me to go along because I was already talking with her.  
"We were planning to go for a swim anyway," Joe said. "Let's make it a foursome."
We had a few drinks in us. Julia and I found that we got along and we shared some lively chat over a few more, with Joe and Steve hovering in the periphery. They were construction laborers on a construction crew and were more acquaintances than friends. While I had, of course, thought about picking her up, I initially dispelled the idea: no lady of her caliber was obtainable.
"I really want to fuck her," Steve said in an aside to me, practically licking his chops. "I bet we can."
I was skeptical about this prospect but suggested the point because I knew that if afforded enough privacy that shielded us from any prying eyes unless someone was out on the lake. We hid the cars so that any passing cops would suspect nothing and walked on up through the small road that led through the trees. Julia carried a rather large handbag. I wondered what could possibly be inside that thing. On the beach we had talked some more, each of us guys nervous to initiate the second part of the plan as if fear and inhibition had taken over when a little daring would have actually got it moving. Julia just sat there on a bench and watched us, no doubt measuring us with her eyes and her salacious smile and the way that she crossed her beautiful legs. Joe and Steve seemed afraid. My instincts suggested that she already knew their game; she had probably guessed it before we even left the bar.
"What the hell," I finally said. "It's too nice a night to sit around here.
I went to the water's edge and stood there a few moments watching the night and thinking about a long time ago. The memories came back of a different beach in a far away place, remembrances of another life that I had pretty much forgotten as the time had passed. It was something that almost seemed like another person.  There I was, a long-haired college student stripping with another guy on beach for two women – our girlfriends – with cameras.  It was nothing that we had planned.  It happened on the spot, on a suggestion.  We were two couples then with similar circumstances: the guys were the models and the ladies the photographers.  Both of us knew that the other guy was naked for his lady and her camera, so we had decided to surprise Lori and Peggy and come out of a dressing house minus any dress at all and let them have us.  Ian and I shared no sex between us, but we almost had and in the wildness that had followed with both girls snapping at us like hungry wolves on that other lonely stretch of beach he had been unable to hold back and it landed on me. Both cameras had zeroed in on it and then I let go for their pleasure and I was wild with overflowing eroticism. I soaked up the night and remembered those magical and crazy moments as I got into the skinny and went for a dip in the warm water.
"Hey," I called out, "It's nice out here."
I knew that Julia was watching. I figured that she would think me a pervert.  Joe and Steve made motions as if to follow suit.  There was more nervous talk.
“Come on, guys, go ahead,” Julia said.  “You wanted to do it.”
Then, finally, they did.  They were three undressed guys on that beach and one clothed lady.  Julia disappeared into the woods. I saw her come out in a one-piece suit, sexier than ever, and then, suddenly, a flash ripped through the night.
"What the hell are you doing?" Joe shouted.
"I thought I might like a few pictures of you guys," she said, with a smile. "You are all so handsome."
"What the fuck," Steve said. "That ain't fair. You were hiding that thing all along. Screw this. Ain't no one doing that to me."
The arguing started up.
"You guys brought me here to gang bang me," Julia scolded them  "I just thought that I'd have a little bit of fun before it started.”
"There are other ways to have fun," Joe said.
"Like what you wanted to do to me," Julia shot.
"Now who the hell said we wanted to do that?" Steve countered.
They went on and on. I stayed away from it. Julia finally said that she was going. Joe and Steve still refused to give up on their plan. They followed her back down that narrow sandy road and disappeared into the shadow wall of woods. Perhaps they hoped to still "get her." I listened to them and decided to stay in the water with my memories. I slipped out of the water and lay in the sand; my mind journeyed back to that other beach of the long ago that now seemed so remote but the memory made so close at hand. It had been so long ago, more imagination than real, yet it had happened.  I just stayed there and thought, looking up into the darkness spangled with stars, and remembered that night and was about to put my hands down and work myself up when a sudden flash ripped through the dark.
I thought it might be a shooting star. Then I heard a feminine voice.
"I hope that you do not mind," she said. "But I couldn’t resist.  You are too beautiful.” 
Startled from my reverie and shocked by another presence, I managed to stammer out an answer.
"No," I said. "I do not mind."
Julia was still clad in that delicious one-piece suit that so enhanced my imagination earlier, especially in the dimness of the night. She knelt down and gave me a kiss while I watched the subtle movements of her femininity. I felt my blood pressure going up.
"I wanted to do this," she said, "from the moment when you stripped for me. I watched you and wanted to do it.  I have never had a guy strip for me before.”
“I am honored to be the first,” I said.
She had thought of the camera while I was naked on the beach and getting into the water. She had it in the bag. Julia had gone on the expedition to have me, to perhaps see me naked on a beach. Julia knew that it would scare off Joe and Steve. She had ditched them at the road. She drove off a little ways but just enough to see whether the pick-up truck left; when it was safely out of range, Julia slipped back with her car's lights off and had walked up the beach hoping that I was still there.  Her strategy had worked. She had me where she wanted me.
"Now you have me," I said. "Without a stitch on."
Julia smiled and picked up her camera.
"It is just where I want you,” she said. “And I propose to take full advantage," she cooed.
Back on that other beach in the long ago the ladies had also taken full advantage of my exposed condition. We had gone as long as the film had lasted.  It had only been an idea to have a few beers on the beach with the ladies taking shots of us, like they always did when we were together. Ian and I had turned it into something else. We had worked ourselves into a crescendo and had put us on our backs in the sand and that’s where it had happened. I could remember it now, the sudden shock of Ian’s landing on top of me, then the desperation that had possessed Lori and Peggy as they jumped on top of us.  Lori’s body was as hard as mine; just a couple flicks of my tongue produced an earthquake and a flood of honey that poured into and all around my mouth.
But unlike Lori and Peggy, Julia was nervous. She probed tentatively, taking a shot here and there.  At one point I grabbed her and pulled her to me, feeling how that one-piece felt against my naked body.  She pushed me away just enough to get a shot straight down.
“That’s it,” I said.  “Make me be yours.  Make me do it for your pleasure”
“Lay in the water,” she said.  “Give me a full spread.”
“Come in close,” I said.  “Take me.”
Julia obeyed and came right up on me as I lay spread in the water.  The eroticism was boiling over in me. I moved to her directions, getting shot at from all points of the compass, letting her dominate me with that wonderful camera.  The night added its hue to the shots she was seeing and I began to wish that we part of a couple.  I was glad that Joe and Steve had gone, to give us this moment. 
“Make love to yourself,” Julia cooed.  “Do it slowly and pull and stroke, with the water lapping over you.”
She was getting it.  There was more of this – on the boats that were anchored in the water, on the docks, in the sand.  Julia would cross her legs often; a sign she either had or was nearing her own crescendo.
“Let me touch it,” she said, “and take a shot of my hand caressing you.”
I leaned back with the pleasure of it and she snapped away.  I wanted her to have it all and she was.  Julia had almost become a carnivore with her lens and her newly found plaything.
"Let me kneel in the water," I said, "Just touching it. Take it head on.”
“Arch back,” she ordered.  “Let me see the whole package right up close.”
Julia moaned and aimed the lens close. I followed with some teasing and in watching her beautiful figure, I was about crazy with ecstasy. There were two hard points in Julia's one-piece. I wanted to get them harder. I kept thinking of that beach from long ago too and that made it even harder to hold back what was coming.
“Let it go,” she screamed. 
She aimed the camera right close on it as I exploded.  It was a huge volcano.
"I can't believe what I just photographed,” Julia said.  . "Get down on the sand," she ordered.
Julia jumped on top of me.  She parted the one-piece just enough and, with a desperation she later said that she had never experienced before, sank herself hard down on top of my mouth.  It took just a couple of flicks of the tongue for the tremors and then the flood to come gushing out. 
Dawn had pushed the night away when we awoke in each other's arms.
"Damn," I said, "we better get out of here."
We slipped away just as the first cars were coming up the road. Lifeguards started to arrive to give swimming lessons and watch the beach, ignorant of what had taken place on their beach the night before and never knowing the exhilaration that had just got away before they came on.
"Let's come back tonight," she said.
"Yes," I said. "Let's do it. 
We drove away in the morning sunlight.



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